Advector Consulting Pty Ltd

Following a successful career as a senior executive growing, integrating and leading national transport and logistics businesses, Steven Ford established Advector Consulting Pty Ltd.

Steven’s approach to management focuses on understanding a business’s fundamentals, then planning and driving results through strong leadership, more effective management and engaging staff at all levels. Steven’s passions for effective, profitable business strategy lead him to establish Advector Consulting as a way to share his exceptional knowledge and expertise with other passionate business leaders.

What We Do To Support Your Business

In today’s increasingly competitive and dynamic markets, made more challenging by the global financial situation, those organisations and their people that are alert to the changing environment and prepared to respond will succeed.

Change can be difficult, and people and organisations often struggle with the very thing that makes companies successful – adapting to change. We help your organisation recognize changing environments, adapt and grow.

Adapting to change is as much a mindset as it is a behavior. When companies align their chosen strategy with their people, processes, systems and financial position, ideas become reality. We provide the systems, processes and demonstrate the behaviour required to make an executive and team more effective and adaptable to change. That is the value that we will provide to your organisation.

We will tell you what you need to hear not necessarily what you want to hear and we operate with honesty, integrity and confidentiality. We understand that you are accountable for your business and we provide the necessary support and experience to improve business performance whilst ensuring you and your team remain in control.